You can buy tickets at our information centres, which we have opened for you in Most, Chomutov, Žatec, Podbořany, Žihle, Plasy and Plzeň. You can buy tickets without a surcharge on the train at other stations.
Yes, you can buy a ticket on the internet for a selected day and line, up to 15 days in advance. You can buy tickets here.
Employee (overhead) tickets issued by České dráhy (Czech Rail), Správa železniční dopravní cesta, etc. are not valid in our trains.
The Czech Rail Card is not valid in our trains. But you can obtain our card, to which we will download the Čtvrtka loyalty application for a 25 % discount, the Half application for a 50 % discount or the Whole application for a 100 % discount.
You cannot buy a ticket for our trains on the R25 Plzeň - Most line at Czech Rail ticket offices. The exception is tickets from Doprava ústeckého kraje (Ústí Region Transport) (DÚK).
You can pay for tickets using payment cards at Most, Chomutov, Žatec and Plzeň . You can also pay for tickets using your payment card on all our trains.
Yes, this is of course possible. You can buy a ticket on the train without a surcharge.